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Old 11th March 2007, 10:19 AM
Punter4211 Punter4211 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 156
Question Your Thoughts Readers, please...


I've been punting for many years and have my ups and downs, as do most..

Often been interested in finetuning my betting side... (the form side does ok)

Can anyone throw some light on wether Proportional Betting is better than straight out betting?

My Definitions, so we don't get sidetracked on to missundestandings..

Proportional betting is when you vary the size of your bet in accordance with the odds (value) you can get, and comes in two forms..

(1) Proportional betting (A) : A target amount divided by the available odds e.g. $100 / $2.50 = a bet of $40 to return you $100 if sucessfull (including your stake)

(2) Proportional betting (B): A target amount divided by the available odds-1 e.g. $100 / ($2.50 -$1.00) = a bet of $67 to return you $167 if sucessfull ($100.00 clear profit)

(3) Straight out betting say I have $40 to bet with (some porportion of my bank) so I bet it on the best price I can get, say its $2.50, or $3.00 I don't alter the stake just bet the whole $40.00

So readers, who thinks method 1,2, or 3 will be better of in the long term, given the average run of wins and loses you might expect? And who would have the least heart ache when a losing day or two is struck?

Love to hear some lively discussion on this, it poses a very interesting question don't you think?

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