Thread: Computer help?
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Old 28th March 2007, 01:23 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
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ok guys, this is where I'm at, Chrome, tried to delete Kasperspy in safe mode but it can't do, so just rebooted and removed it no probs.
re insatalled the Broadband CD from aapt, and presto I'm back on line!!!

Mad, did the chkdsk /f thingo and it's rebooted. ok

Tried the Restore thingo, but it reboots and just keeps saying cannot restore to that date (any date I choose)

Norton is still on there. I can't hear any blocked pop ups and everything appears to be working fine, so maybe Kasperspy did the trick?

So what should I do as I don't wanna risk being in the same boat?
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