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Old 13th November 2007, 02:14 PM
Silver_and_sand Silver_and_sand is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 335

Thanks for the congrats guys. I feel a bit guilty though, as I don't deserve to have won the comp considering I missed a few weekends of selections along the way, and it was really only the Melbourne Cup results that put me in front. I feel bad for Maverick, who is obviously a better and more consistent judge of horses than me, so if it's ok Sportz, I'd like to donate $612.50 of my prizemoney to him, and share the box of chocies. So, congratulations to Maverick! Well done!

Just a thought Sportz, but maybe we could have a competition where instead of prizemoney being awarded, we could just have points awarded instead, maybe like this:

Race Prizemoney $1,000,000+ : 1st = 12 points, 2nd = 11 points, 3rd = 10 points
Race Prizemoney $100,000-$999,999 : 1st = 9 points, 2nd = 8 points, 3rd = 7 points
Race Prizemoney $40,000-$99,999 : 1st = 6 points, 2nd = 5 points, 3rd = 4 points
Race Prizemoney $1-$39,999 : 1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point

Or maybe disregard race prizemoney altogether, and just award 3 points for 1st, 2 points for 2nd, and 1 point for 3rd.

I think this kind of format would end up rewarding consistency a bit more, so that part-time pratts like me don't get overly rewarded for falling a#$e-backwards into the Cup quinella and end up taking out the comp as a result. And I think consistency is a goal for all punters, so it seems it would be relevant. And points would probably be a heck of a lot easier to track than actual prizemoney. Just a thought.

Regardless, I bestow a standing ovation and an endless round of applause to Sportz for running this comp, and for the countless hours he likely invested in it. Well done, Sportz!

I apologize for not regularly posting my selections. My only excuses are that I've been working too much lately and sometimes simply forgot to do it, but at the end of the day, they are just that, excuses. Considering the amount of time you obviously invested in the comp, I should have giving it more time and consideration, and made sure I wouldn't forget to make my selections, so again I sincerely apologize.
...time held me green and dying, though I sang in my chains like the sea. - Dylan Thomas
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