Thread: Would you tell?
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Old 11th July 2008, 01:24 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,391

Racer, your inclinations are "close" I would love to spill the beans (just to look like a smart aaaa) but my brain tells me different!

But just to get the grey stuff working consider this, I have a mortgage with a certain company @9%, who write and offer me pre approved a credit card with $20,000 limit, no charge for the first year and 2.99% interest on balance transfers for 9 months.

So I transfer $20,000 and pay it back into my mortgage, the result: the $20,000 costs me $450 interest, and I *save* $1350 interest on my Mortgage. and it's ALL on their money! Now if the offer continues I will repeat as many times as I can, if not I will just cancel the card after 9 months.

What the helll has that got to do with "investing" on horses? you say? well what I'm getting at is; consider the above as a "formula" that's the sort of mental agility you need to suceed.

One final cryptic clue I haven't used one single cent of my money to bet on horses with in 4 years!!!!
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