Thread: Pups for Profit
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Old 22nd April 2009, 10:04 AM
moeee moeee is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359

Thats the strangest thing to me.

That a Punter can be so skilful at selecting that his strike rate is right up at over 50%, yet the POT is Excellently Positive, but only hovering at the 17% mark.

It just goes to show that it is not the strike rate that is important, but the Profit on Turnover.
And what is most important about Shmucta selections, is that there is plenty of action.

Well done Shmucta.
Finally someone who actually is showing a profit on their methods and not just posting tips for the sake of doing it.

Maybe you could post some ideas on how you go about deciding on which races to bet or or not to bet on.
And what form guide you use.
I would love to be able to do what you are doing and perhaps even do it better
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