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Old 1st June 2009, 04:24 PM
Pauls123 Pauls123 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 245

Not sure about all that. I once bought a book written by a well known author on this subject. I wont say his name as I am not sure of the spelling, but I have since sold the book on ebay. Think his first name was Paul also.

It went into rise in weights over the limit etc. For my exercises I have just been looking at the actual weight increase (exc appr claims). I'll probably get howled down for this comment, but thats how I see it.

On saturday I had 8 blackbookers running around from my sectionals. 2 of them were going up in weight 3.5kgs. Lakonian (started around even money fav) and Mine In Time (also was early fav). I excluded them from my bets and they were both beaten. I've saved heaps of losing bets doing such.

(from my other 6 bets there were 2 winners, Prince Braeman $4.60 and Ortensia $2.25, so a small profit on the day).

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