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Old 17th November 2010, 08:15 PM
iPunter iPunter is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 13

Hi Dale

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah I figure with the amount of data & programs to trawl that data available today there will be plenty of "Been there done that" senarios around.

Being such a novice may actually have an advantage in that respect, however I still need to know how to recognise a good idea when I fall over it in the dark!

I have been finding that when I grill the data via info I've picked up from various sources it does seem to return figures that whilst give good win strike rates don't return very good profit figures. I have a long way to go before I can call myself proficeint at using this program I have but I am getting there.

I guess my main worry at the moment is that I'm not sure what is a good set of returned outlooks. IE if a system I run through the program returns 39% win strike rate, 19% wpot but it only gave back say less than 180 selections over the period 2007 to current then is it really trustworthy results?


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