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Old 5th November 2012, 12:06 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

A simple task with notionally backing every runner from Saturday for it's last five (or less if it hasn't had 5 runs !) starts. First column is Race number, second column is the Win S/R% and the third column is the POT. Obviously the negative comments on this scenario is that to "follow them for 5 starts", in some cases where they've only had a handful of runs, you'd have to know they were City Class in advance ?!. The other side of that argument is that there's some seasoned horses running that are being specifically set for The Melbourne Cup and are probs not expected to win ?!

Take it as you will, but I recall Shaun posting that if you back a horse that's won at Metro for it's next 5 runs it will win again in 70% of cases. So assuming the price is OK, in 70% of cases you'll finish square / in front ??, and in some cases well ahead because of the odds or multiple wins.

Is it easier to find a decent horse and follow it rather than try and rate a field ??

R1 .. 22 .. 24
R2 .. 17 .. (21)
R3 .. 20 .. 49
R4 .. 41 .. 53
R5 .. 13 .. (44)
R6 .. 29 .. 40
R7 .. 26 .. 81
R8 .. 31 .. 119
R9 .. 16 .. 76
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