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Old 21st October 2013, 05:30 PM
PaulD01 PaulD01 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 333

Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
No. of races reviewed: 10,817
D Scott No. 1 ranking selected 2261 winners, 20.9%WSR, -$727 LOT
Neural No. 1 ranking selected 2029 winners, 18.75%WSR, -$1785 LOT

Thanks RP sorry it took a while to respond.

Obviously those are limited (or selected) races, but certainly a large enough sample to get a good idea. The type of analysis that Axis is capable of is far more detailed than the strike rate for top pick, although as you eluded to, most punters don't even know the rudimentary information even though it can be obtained if someone has a decent command of excel.

What we are talking about is analysing the various elements of those ratings (once imported into Axis) that go far beyond the basic or even an advanced excel users capabilities. Using Axis to analyse this type of data will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of such ratings utilising more than 115 elements many of which are exclusive to R2W and their clients. That is knowledge that is certainly NOT available to the majority of punters and possibly not even to the providers of the rating themselves. Even if they were able to analyse the ratings in that manner they are definitely not going to publish such analysis.

We maintain that armed with this type of analysis, you are well on the way to exploiting the possibilities that the rest of the market cannot see. With Axis there are no secrets, whatever the rating is that you import; the Analysis is available.

As analysis example:

Performance of each rating or rank across distance, track condition, class and 115+ other factors of that pertain to the horse and/or race. Performance of each rating or rank for last start winners, where in their current prep they are, SP rank, Betfair rank and so on for all horses form factors which are available. What about those that aren't? How does top rated perform when it's an R2W backmarker? How does it perform on different track conditions? (all track conditions are verified independently) What about both Backmarker with that has superior track condition ability? Or you can combine a Backmarker, TC and SP together? The ability to drill down is endless and the further you get from the superficial the greater your edge over the market grows.

The performance of each rating or rank across the actual rating value. Want to know what the performance is when the rating price is between $1.0 to $3 ? What about things like, when the top rated horse is so many points or dollars ahead of others? When the 2 ratings/ratings agree ? When they don't? What about top pick when its ranked 1 on the API? What about something more difficult like: What is the performance of the top pick and also top IR rating (our Intelligence Rating) or any other or group of our ratings? Or when they are also so many points clear of the rest of the field? What about our indicators? You could get dizzy and lose months of sleep and still wouldn't get through all the possibilities.

Finally there is the Consensus panel where you could build your own complete rating from all the data at your disposal in that module and include if desired external ratings into the mix. Of course there are the endless options that you could then test and analyse!

At the end of the day it's up to the user as to what level of work they decide to put into their analysis and punting in general. Most don't have the tools or the ability and/or time to build such tools for themselves. We just make it easy, accessible and definitely affordable.

Paul Daily - Ratings2Win Pty Ltd (Director)
R2W Axis - Axis is Australia's leading horse racing software and database; with sophisticated form analysis tools and accurate performance ratings that include Hong Kong.
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