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Old 23rd June 2002, 09:19 PM
Big Orange Big Orange is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne: The Racing Capital
Posts: 78


The Ozzie One Step plan is a rabid dog. Adding one unit after every loss and regressing the value of the odds after a win is just another version of the age-old d'Alembert slow moving progression. D'Alembert was around in the 18th century so it's hardly anything new.

Level stakes or betting-to-prices are both sensible methods without being dramatic. Any staking plan that escalates bets purely due to immediately previous losses is nonsensical. The true path to profits in racing demands that your long-term average dividend multiplied by your long-term average strike rate (expressed as a percentage) equates to more than 100.

There is no other easy way. Gamblers have been searching for a magical staking plan for centuries without success.

Throw away the Ozzie One Step plan. It will only end in tears.
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