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Old 11th September 2014, 04:28 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,404

An open letter to Bet365.

Dear bet365

You were right to limit my place bets on $10 chances to $4.30 & $3.87, as I must be some sort of punting genius (can't see it myself), although how you came to those amounts is beyond me. Even though they were both unplaced and you would have profited times 10 what you did, you are living up to your hype of being one of the biggest bookies in the world. But limiting my next bet to 80c is surely a bad joke. No, indeed it is you that are the joke. Get out of the game before you embarrass yourself further.

PS I rang my 12yo nephew who let me on for the rest of the bet. I now owe him $18.20. Rumour is he split it with his 9yo brother.
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