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Old 28th November 2001, 09:32 AM
kaz kaz is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 3

hi dave... hard work on here when you talk "systems" ... I too have have been contacted by NSA over their eclipse program and have looked in vain for some mention of them on any of the ******** lists- not a one, and for a business that has been trading under the same name ( and yes I checked that too)for the past 7 years you would think that there might be a complaint or 2, but in all my phone calls to Qld, NSW and SA I havent found one. They do guarantee that the program that you buy from them at $5500 will generate the same results on past race data as theirs did, same winners and same loosers, you just have to access old sportsman newspapers and key in the data for races that they bet on to see if the out come matches... if it doesnt you get your $5500 back. Anyway it has been a month since your first post... did you invest in a program? How is it preforming ??

happy betting my friends...

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