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Old 20th July 2005, 05:47 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 12,067
Default Fantasy Racing Stable

Welcome to the Fantasy Racing competition. Hopefully, this will prove to be a lot of fun and a great challenge. The object of the game is to select a stable of horses to race for you during the Spring Carnival. The competition will run from August 6 to November 12 and the races we will be operating on are all Group1, Group2, Group3 and Listed races on Sydney and Melbourne tracks. The winner of the competition will be the person whose stable earns the greatest amount of prizemoney in those races.

Please read the rules very carefully.


(1) From the list of horses I've provided, everyone must select a stable of 30 horses, 10 from the 3YO category and 20 from the 4YO+ category. Everyone has a salary cap of $10,000,000 which you can not exceed. The final deadline for entering your stable is midnight Friday August 5, BUT if you enter your stable by midnight Friday July 29, you will be awarded a $100,000 prizemoney bonus to start the competition, so it would be advisable to do that.

(2) At the end of August, September and October, I will be making some changes to the lists, increasing or decreasing the $ values on some horses as well as adding or deleting some horses. At these times, there will be a short trading period when you can swap up to 5 of your stable horses with other horses from the list, providing of course that you don't exceed the salary cap and you still have 10 3YO and 20 4YO+ horses. It's important to note that those $ changes I make do not affect any horses that you've already purchased. If you buy a horse for $100,000 at the start of the comp and it's value increases to $500,000, it is still counted as $100,000 in your stable.

(3) Each month, when you choose your stable, you must also nominate three horses, one from the 3YO category and two from the 4YO+ category to be your "Stable Stars". Any prizemoney your "Stable Stars" earn during the month will count double towards your prizemoney total.


To make sure we have plenty of variety with our stables, I would like everyone to send their entries to me by email. If you're not comfortable doing that, then I guess you can post them here, but I would prefer it if you send your entries to:

sportznut 67 @ hotmail dot com

Simply send your list of 30 horses (10 3YO, 20 4YO+), list all their prices and the total amount you've spent. Also remember to nominate your 3 "Stable Stars" (one 3YO, two 4YO+) for the month of August.


I've compiled a HUGE list of horses to choose from. 700 in all!!! Even so, I'm sure there will still be some horses that I've overlooked by mistake, but I think there should be enough options here to keep everyone pretty happy. Rating some of the horses was damn hard, especially the overseas runners, but I think I've got them reasonably close. In any case, it's up to you to find out where I've gone wrong. Obviously, if I've priced a horse at $50,000 and you think it should be $300,000 or something, that's the sort of horse you will want in your stable. Go through the lists of horses and see how you go fitting all your picks under the salary cap. It won't be easy.

To find out what races we'll be operating on each month, go here for the Sydney races:

and go here for the Melbourne races:

To add interest, we will also have a betting competition to coincide with our stables, placing a hypothetical $1 each way on all of our stable runners during the comp to see who comes out on top.

Good luck everyone, and if you have any questions, just ask.
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