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Old 29th August 2005, 06:25 PM
Dr Pangloss Dr Pangloss is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 135
Default system, system on the wall......

Originally Posted by crash
Don't think either that because I have put this system up it's a dud. I believe in Dr Pangloss's theory that you could 'write a winning system on the footpath outside Ranwick and it wouldn't affect the system odds long term'. If the rules are thought about, this system makes very good sense.

There's a sign on a Las Vegas motel room wall that reads,

"If you wish to try your luck at our tables - you're welcome. If you have a system - STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE - we'll send a limmo 'round to get you."

Not many limmos spotted in the Randwick races public carpark - but always a long line waiting for the bus after the last.

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