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Old 8th June 2022, 08:09 AM
Unstable Unstable is offline
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 20

Hi Mark,

I have no doubt, specializing in Odds on Fav, you could make money, not for me, I don't have that sort of money to make a living out of.

My example, was to show races, you can get value in. In the example, odds on Fav are not considered value runners and can be a risk, in my opinion.

We all know, the top 3 horses in the market, win around 83% of the time, my point was, find races with these horses in mind, with value.

I'm sure there are plenty of other systems out there, better then the one I have put up, you guy's have been around a long time and have tried many systems early on in your careers. I just thought I would put my 2 bobs worth in to contribute to the forum.

Thanks for replying Mark
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