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Old 5th February 2003, 10:34 PM
becareful becareful is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 730

Whether they use 4, 6, 8 or an unlimited number of decks is pretty much irrelevant. The important point is that they effectively shuffle after every hand so any card counting is totally useless. If they didn't then you could sit in the comfort of your own home with a pen and paper (no need for a $9000 computer program) and count cards all day.

Yes it does make it totally a guessing game but lots of people apparantly still donate their money to the online casinos! As to unfair and illegal - not really - some "real" casinos now use CSMs (Continuous Shuffle Machines) to defeat card counters.

Of course there have been numerous reports of online casinos using rigged blackjack games (ie. they manipulate the cards to make it more likely for you to bust) which is totally unfair and illegal but, unfortunately, quite hard to regulate and prevent.

My advice is avoid online casinos like the plague unless you are only playing for fun (ie. no money involved). If you want to play for money then go to a real casino where at least you can see if anything dodgy is going on with the dealing! If you want to make money from card counting then you need to learn to do it properly and then practice, practice, practice and then practice some more.
"Computers can do that????" - Homer Simpson
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